News in the Community of Dialogue Practitioners of Ukraine! We are glad to be the first in Ukraine and Eastern Europe to become members of the Alliance for Peacebuilding. This will allow Ukrainian practitioners of dialogue to exchange experience and contribute to the activities of a global network working on building sustainable peace in the contexts of advocacy, research into new peacemaking tools, education and partnership.
AfP is the leading global network working to end conflict and build sustainable peace. It is an award-winning non-profit and non-partisan network of over 200 organizations working in 181 countries to prevent and reduce violent conflict and build sustainable peace.
Founded in 1999 as the Applied Conflict Resolution Organizations Network (ACRON), AfP began with the goal of fostering cooperation in conflict resolution, which at the time was fragmented. AfP's area-building efforts are supported by our technical capabilities in policy and advocacy, training and evaluation, and partnerships and gatherings.
The Community of Dialogue Practitioners is grateful to AfP representatives, and Liz Humes, CEO of AfP, for supporting and celebrating our efforts, and we are happy to strengthen the voice of Ukraine in this global network.